We Serve People in Our Local Parishes…
Many of us serve (or have served) on the Vestry of their congregation. We have also served as Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharistic Visitors, as well as Lay Readers, Lay Preachers, Healing Ministers, Intercessors and sacristans. Several members lead other services during the week such as Morning Prayer, Lectio Divina, or Evening Prayer. Several members serve on one or more committees in support of the congregations such as Pastoral Care, Outreach, Building Maintenance, or Nurturing. Some serve their local dioceses as representatives to diocesan conventions, national conventions, or Episcopal Church Women at the diocesan and national level. Some serve in leading formation for new members of the church or mentorships for deacons. We have artists who design for their parish communications. And there is more…lots more!